Here are some of my influences. Maybe you’ll dig them too.

  • Cal Newport

    Thought leader for productivity and living well in the technological age.

  • Tim Keller

    Retired Manhattan Pastor who speaks to moderns and bleeds the gospel.

  • Mr. Money Mustache

    Master of Personal Finance and disentangler of happiness/spending conflation.

  • John Mark Comer

    Pastor-turned incredible writer, navigating the Way of Jesus in the Modern Age.

  • Nancy Pearcey

    Worldview thinker giving deep context to current issues in church, culture, and science.

  • Charles Wheelan

    Lucid communicator of crucial but historically boring topics like economics, money, and political centrism.

  • John Mearsheimer

    Mearsheimer’s paradigms will help you understand the past, present, and future of geopolitics, especially as it relates to great world powers.

  • Abraham Lincoln

    Maybe the greatest leader of men the world has ever seen.