A Shortcut for the Spiritual Search

“Anyone who really wants the truth ends up at Jesus”

-Johnny Cash

Jesus said he’s the way, the truth, and the life. For me, he was the shortcut too.

After my summer of doubt, I was consumed by a question: How do you go about figuring out which religion or philosophy is true when there are so many out there?

It had dawned on me that the menu of religious and philosophical options is less like Chipotle (“black or pinto?”) and more like a Chinese restaurant (“I'll take #17 and my wife will have… #46?”). 

Faith options come in endless flavors - eastern and western, new and old, secular and theistic. When forming a worldview, where do you even begin?

Turns out, you should start with Jesus. 

I know what you're thinking: "Ok, Mr. Biased Now-Christian. Of course you want us to start there."

Sure, I'm biased towards Christianity for reasons we’ll get to below. But I'm also biased toward efficiency - and if you can make your mind up on Jesus, you narrow your search considerably. 

It's like an old game from millenial past…

Playing Guess Who with Jesus

"Does the person have glasses?" 


[flips down all but 3 people]

I'm looking at you, in the second row, Joe

Mathematicians know that in “Guess Who?” better questions lead to faster answers. For spiritual seekers, “deconstructers”, and doubters, the same principle holds true.

In “Worldview Guess Who”, “Who is Jesus?” is the most strategic question you can ask. Why is that?

  1. Jesus the founder of the world’s most popular religion - in looking into him, you’re starting with the most worshiped person in human history.

  2. His claims are unique among major religious figures. Buddha, Muhammad, and Moses never claimed to be God.

  3. You’re killing multiple birds with one stone. Because of his incredible claims, other religions are forced to make a call on who he was, either explicitly (e.g. Islam) or implicitly (e.g. atheism, Judaism). In studying Jesus, you’re actually sifting through multiple major religions at the same time.

Making up your mind on who Jesus is (either way) will clear out a huge chunk of the board.


If Jesus is no one of significance, didn't exist, or is just a good moral teacher, you can cross out the worlds' two most popular religions in one go (Islam and Christianity). If he's just a prophet, get out the burka because you, my friend, are now a Muslim. If, however, he is more than that - say, the Son of God, then we’ll need to take a closer look at his life and teachings.

“Ok” you’re saying. “Start with Jesus. But isn't the Jesus question intertwined with other contestable questions like biblical inspiration and if there is even a God to begin with?”

Not for our purposes. While existence and inspiration are big issues, let’s bypass all of that. If we can make a call on if the guy really died and came back from the dead, we’ll have the most important piece of data available. The implications to that answer will tell us a whole host of things about the existence of God and the truth status of the most popular religions in world history.

To summarize, for spiritual seekers:

  1. Jesus is the shortcut

  2. His resurrection is the shortcut to the shortcut.

But surely, I wouldn’t introduce such a big topic in the medium of a blogpost? Oh shoot- turns out I did.


Who do you say that he is?


Read More

Popular: Case for Christ

Academic (long): The Resurrection of the Son of God


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